Aug 29, 2009


I knew what was gonna happen,
and i still ignored it.
i reminded myself,
and i still went through with it.
change will always lead to more change..
for better or for worse..
it will always happen..
stupidity got the best of me..
and now things are falling apart..
not bit by bit,
nor by chunks.
everything just crumbled in an instant..
what i tried so hard to keep together..
just fell apart in a second..
what i placed my blood, sweat and tears into creating,
just vanished in a moment..

and i tried so desperately to stick them all back into place..
nothing seems to fit back where they belong..

so much for giving change a chance..
and i cant help but feel responsible...
for causing their pain..
for their distress..
for their loss in trust..

fuck done with change!
as soon as i get things back to normal,
im not going to try and be a smartass and change things

that is if they ever go back to normal..
i doubt so....
and so ive got nothing else to lose..
cause ive lost what meant everything to me..