Jun 27, 2010

shuyi go bye bye wtf

Stupid messed up sleeping time...

When uni starts imma be stuffed!

Anyways, Shuyi is leaving for melb and somehow uni aint gonna be the same without her around!
I shall cope without her telling me when assignments are due!
when to start on my assignments!
what to revise for exams!
and what to do for assignments!
actually....i damn hailat la *sighs*

All the best to you over there!
Take care and be a good maid for jia wei LOL!
Anyhows imma head off since its already 5.30 and people are starting to wake up.

Jun 1, 2010

whispers of clarity comes through clearer than the screams of insanity

Its the time when the library is packed, empty tutorial rooms are occupied and musa lounge is closed.
No foos =((

on a random note, i found my folders with all them sasau songs..
from hardstyle to jumpstyle, vocal trance to psytrance, drums and bass to electro..
gawd i missed listening to vocal trance...
soothing yet invigorating
awesome ballz!

okay back to INT2050/2040 or FTV1050
dunno la..maybe ill just call it a night and sleep
kaythxbai =/

May 23, 2010

Bare with me..

How i wish i could relive these moments in Melbourne..

Sitting under a clear black sky lit up by the moon and specks of lights, satellites; easily mistaken for stars.
In a place so foreign, but close to the heart with family around.
The occasional chilling winter night breeze provides shivers; a cigarette in between my fingers and in the other hand, a bottle of lime flavored Bacardi Breezer.
Calming silence with the occasional rustle of branches that lets me know im not alone.
That carefree feeling which overtakes and sweeps away worldly troubles, even for awhile.
The pleasant, peaceful state that lingers for a moment before....
I wake up and realize, how much i yearn to just enjoy that blissful moment all over again!
Maybe with friends...or alone again?
It does not really matter cause i'm feeling like i'm feeling like i'm tied in knots by stress and...

So why don't we take a moment to stop what we're doing and just remember to BREATHE?

Mar 2, 2010

routine: same shit, different day.

And so after 4 long months, uni has started again...
its kinda nice being back in a crowded uni except that trying to find a spot in the parking lot is as hard as looking for an ounce of weed in a heap of tobacco.
Missed just bumming around uni making countless trips to the smoking hut or the main gate to have a fag, gossiping, jokes and funneh shit happening...

I just realized tho that this sem isnt gonna be as easy as the last 2...
well for 1 thing, EHN2407 is a fkn killer!
ONE assignment worth 50% and if u fuck that up...well you're fucked aint ya?
then there's INT2040/2050 both taught by the diabolical Sheila!
speak of her name and any art student doing INT will cringe in disgust...
all in all she's one strict bitch..
and as if taking one of her classes isnt bad enough, most ppl have taken 2 of her classes..
surviving this sem is gonna be one of my fucking greatest accomplishments ay!

oh well at least film studies is alright...plenty of hot girls in my tutorial eh shafiq? ;)
neways im off to make sense or at least try to off the authorship n writing reader...*sigh*


Feb 5, 2010

Between the new year and chinese new year...

Well, in between those two occasions, its usually the time where i start getting my resolutions for the year down.
I actually take the time to filter out nonsensical resolutions and set proper ones which i actually keep...for quite a long time =p
Anyways im gonna list 'em out cause...well i dont really know what else to talk about!

  1. Save up enough money to get my sis a really really NICE/AWESOME/KICKASS wedding present! (estimated costs: RM1000-1500?)
  2. Learn bout photography and picture editing so i can take some decent photos at my sis's wedding. (anyone willing to help on this??)
  3. Keep to my daily workout routine and find some time to hit the gym, preferably 2-3 times a month.
  4. Cut down on.....junk food (mainly fast food and mamak....ive stopped eating chips n stuff)
Well that's bout it i guess =X
Kinda reasonable wouldnt you say?
DEFINATELY gonna be keeping the first two resolutions, 3 and 4...i guess ill try muh best!
Neways, marketing finals is next week...approx 4 days away =(
Kinda sucks that its got hurdles...scoring well for my mid-sem and assignments dont really provide much comfort!
Business students....i just gotta say,
anyhows, im outta here.

chao outside mudafucka!
kaythxbai ;P

Jan 14, 2010

you jumpstart, i kickstart.

Thanks fiq for reminding me i still had a blog lol!

Summer school pretty much kept me busy during the holidays,
Though i cant wait to be done with it and enjoy a month of proper holidays.
4 months of holidays isnt fun...gets really dull really fast and then you spend most of your time thinking what to do with yourself!

i dont really know what to write bout so i guess thats bout it,
till i get my mojo back wtf.


Dec 3, 2009

Sell your words for what they're worth!

Mannn am i glad i passed all my subs =)
Didnt do as badly as i expected!

Anyhows dont you ever get fed up of being told the same thing over and over again,
and in the end it doesnt happen?
Ever get sick and tired of hearing stuff ppl say
Owh we'll talk bout it after your exams, gotta let me see your results first.
owh sure, dont fail anything and we'll see.

Oh yea i get that alot. ALOT!
Most of it from my dad.
Im just fed up of him telling me shit and in the end he keeps pushing it on and on...
i got back my results and told him bout em..
no response.. okay so i assumed its fine then...
the moment i asked him 'when you getting me a car'
he starts telling me shit and expects me to swallow it up..

Mannn im just soo fucking cut right now.
if he gives me anymore shit i'll fucking snap back at him!!
i believe in keeping your words.
if you arent willing to live up to what you say then dont say it.
So much rubbish yet not abit of truth to be found.

I find things people say without placing any thoughts or emotions
very worthless..
so the next time you wanna say something mean it and keep to it.
cause im getting fed up with ppl who do otherwise and think its gonna be alright.
yea well if u wanna try me, just wonder how alright you'll be after im done with you.
ill abuse you verbally, physically, mentally, and emotionally
and ill do it so badly that you'd be peeing the truth out of every single orifice in your body!

okay okay *deep breaths*
lol angry doh =P
neways im glad to still be alive after almost dying from anticipation of getting my results..
okaylah thats bout it wtf